Modelica Libraries
MBI LLC has experience with most Modelica Libraries currently available, both open source and commercial. We are working with our partners to introduce these libraries in the Americas and help our customers to become succesful users of them through training and solution services. When working with us, you have the advantage of working with local expert support in the same time zone region, training availability on-site and remote, and support in setting up efficient processes for model based design.
Specialized and supported Modelica Libraries will make your journey to a model based digital product development process much easier and more efficient than startign from scratch.
Modelica advantages
The open code makes it easy for you to look at and understand the equations. It also makes it straight-forward to adapt to your own needs, and keep your core, product-specific IP private to your team. The openness beats proprietary solutions hands down on transparency and trust.
Thanks to the modular, object-oriented structure of Modelica Libraries, you can flexibly reuse models. This works hand-in-hand with the open code to combine flexibility with easy of use. You achieve the benefits of resue without having to start from scratch.
Combine models from any library with other libraries: Modelica libraries tend to use compatible connectors when the physics are compatible. You can combine any Modelica library with libraries from other domains for complete system simulation.